About Us

About Us

Indreni Rural Development Centre Nepal


Indreni Rural Development Centre (IRDC) Nepal is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) established in 1995, with the ultimate aim of sustainable development of rural communities of Nepal by mobilizing indigenous human and natural resources and with optimal utilization of locally developed technologies. It is registered in the District Administration Office in Kapilvastu, under the Association Registration Act 2034 and is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council under the Social Welfare Act.

The vision, mission, goal and thematic priorities are as follows.

Vision: IRDC envisions a social justice based dynamic and prosperous society.

Mission: Promote informed, organized and empowered communities, and governance and accountability for full enjoyment of their civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.

Goal: Contribute to the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights of marginalized and vulnerable communities and improve accountability of the stakeholders.

Vision: IRDC envisions a social justice based dynamic and prosperous society.

Mission: Promote informed, organized and empowered communities, and governance and accountability for full enjoyment of their civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.

Goal: Contribute to the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights of marginalized and vulnerable communities and improve accountability of the stakeholders.

Thematic Priorities

  • Education
  • Health &WASH
  • Environmental and Climate Change Adaption (CCA)
  • Livelihoods
  • Human Rights and Inclusive Governance
  • Research & Innovations
  • Organizational Development

This organization is working in the various parts of Nepal in the field of Education, Health, Livelihoods, Environment, Disaster Risk Reduction, Resource Management, WASH, Safer Migration, Human Rights Promotion and Good Governance, etc., in partnership with various governments' and non-government organizations.

It has the experiences working with the diverse communities residing in hill and terai regions of Lumbini and Gandaki provinces of Nepal. IRDC had worked in Kapilvastu, Rupandehi, Arghakhanchi in DRR, in Nawalparasi west and east, Dang, Rupandehi in livelihoods, Palpa, Gulmi, Parbat, Syangja, Chitwan in human rights and Good Governance.

The major projects and support organizations are:

Education - Women Literacy (PACT Nepal), Adult Literacy (District Education Office), Post Literacy (World Education), Child Education, Parenting Education, and Strengthening of Early Child Development Centre (UNICEF Nepal), Women Business Literacy (The Asia Foundation), Girls Access to Education SAP Nepal).

Health & WASH - Conduction of Reproductive Health Clinic (Vision 2000), SODIS, Kanchan Filter Promotion Program, Partnership for Safe Drinking Water (ENPHO), Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP – Fund Development Board), Arsenic Testing and Mitigation Program (FINNIDA, ENPHO), Water Sanitation and Hygiene Project (WASH) (DDC, FINNIDA).

Environment & DRR - Disaster Preparedness and River Basin Programme (Oxfam GB and EU), Right based Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilient Livelihoods (DCA),  Priority Action for Lifesaving Response through Integrated Nutrition, WASH and Health Interventions in  Kapilvastu (LW.F), Social Mobilization for Chure Protection (Rastrapati Chure Terai Madhes Development Board).

Livelihood Promotion - Target Group Support Program (Ministry of Local Development), Self- Help Promotion Program (GTZ/NGO Fund Project), Agriculture Perspective Plan Sustainable Project (DADO), Safer Migration (SaMi) Project (Local Govts/Helvitas), Initiatives for Social and Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Communities (IM Swedish Development Partner).

Human rights & Good governance - Civil Society Strengthening Program (SAP Nepal), Local Body Grants Expenditure Survey (CECI), Local Governance and Community Development Project (DDC Kapilvastu), Civil Society Mutual Accountability Project (FHI 360 / USAID).

Research & Studies - Mapping of Early Childhood Development Centres in Kapilvastu (UNICEF), Survey of Ponds/lakes of Kapilvastu (District Forest Office), Facilitation for the preparation of district disaster preparedness and response plan, local disaster risk management plan, climate change adaptation plan of action, environment audit, GESI audit (IRDC / Local Governments), Preparation of Periodic Plan of Buddhabhumi Municipality Kapilvastu (Province Training Academy Lumbini Province).

Now the organization is working with IM Swedish Development Partner Nepal (IM) and The Charitable Foundation (TCF) of Australia for “Livelihood Improvement of Marginalized Communities through Effective Management of Ponds in Buddhabhumi and Bijaynagar Municipalities of Kapilvastu.

In order to systematize the organizational activities, IRDC has developed and implemented Financial and Admin Policies, Human Resource Management Policies, Gender and Social Inclusion Policy, Resource Mobilization Guideline, Emergency Relief Fund, Code of Conducts etc. The organization has efficient human resources and active board of directors to manage the organization’s programs and activities..

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